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Text File  |  1995-10-16  |  82KB  |  1,193 lines

  2. █████ The Arsenal Files 5
  4. █████ Disc One of Two
  5. █████ Electronic Publications 1
  6. █████ PATH: \EPUB1
  9. 00340339.ZIP  [0]  IRC Undernet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  10.                                | (Part 2 of 2) This posting contains useful
  11.                                | information regarding IRC and an alternative
  12.                                | network to the EFnet - the Undernet IRC
  13.                                | network. Please read this before posting to
  14.                                | alt.irc.undernet, alt.irc.questions, alt.irc,
  15.                                | or alt.irc.ircii
  16. 0124057.ZIP   [0]  rec.sport.golf Golf FAQ This posting contains
  17.                                | FAQs and answers regarding golf
  18. 01243857.ZIP  [0]  bulgaria-faq/part2 This posting contains
  19.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about
  20.                                | Bulgaria and their answers. It should be read
  21.                                | by anyone who wishes to post to the
  22.                                | soc.culture.bulgaria Usenet newsgroup. The
  23.                                | FAQ consists of two parts: general FAQ, and
  24.                                | electronic resources FAQ.
  25. 01364913.ZIP  [0]  Suicide - Internet & International Crisis
  26.                                | Resources and Information Information on
  27.                                | suicide, and how to find help in a crisis.
  28. 01365067.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Dalmatians Breed-FAQ
  29. 0149398.ZIP   [0]  GROUPS: Anti War-on-Drugs Activists' List
  30.                                | This is a list of organisations active in
  31.                                | drug law reform, with information on how to
  32.                                | contact them.
  33. 02020475.ZIP  [0]  Ada FAQ: Programming with Ada (part 1 of 3)
  34.                                | Ada Programmer's Frequently Asked Questions
  35.                                | (and answers), part 1 of 3. Please read
  36.                                | before posting.
  37. 02020579.ZIP  [0]  Ada FAQ: Programming with Ada (part 2 of 3)
  38.                                | Ada Programmer's Frequently Asked Questions
  39.                                | (and answers), part 2 of 3. Please read
  40.                                | before posting.
  41. 02020678.ZIP  [0]  Ada FAQ: Programming with Ada (part 3 of 3)
  42.                                | Ada Programmer's Frequently Asked Questions
  43.                                | (and answers), part 3 of 3. Please read
  44.                                | before posting.
  45. 02183923.ZIP  [0]  Atlanta Olympic FAQ This is FAQ attempts to
  46.                                | answer questions the 1996 Olympics
  47. 02321421.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Samoyeds Breed-FAQ
  48.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  49. 02321833.ZIP  [0]  rec.pyrotechnics FAQ This file contains basic
  50.                                | details, safety information and answers to
  51.                                | frequently asked questions about
  52.                                | pyrotechnics. It is recommended that all
  53.                                | subscribers to the newsgroup rec.pyrotechnics
  54.                                | read this document before attempting any
  55.                                | practical pyrotechnics. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  56. 02363313.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Somalis Breed-FAQ
  57.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  58. 02363846.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Caucasian Mountain Dogs
  59.                                | Breed-FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  60. 02363972.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Vizslas Breed-FAQ
  61.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  62. 02364082.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers
  63.                                | Breed-FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  64. 02364220.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Japanese Bobtails Breed-FAQ
  65.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  66. 02364335.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Harriers Breed-FAQ
  67.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  68. 02364445.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Cardigan Welsh Corgis
  69.                                | Breed-FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  70. 02364538.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Neapolitan Mastiffs Breed-FAQ
  71.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  72. 02375376.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Bearded Collies Breed-FAQ
  73.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  74. 02404134.ZIP  [0]  Cryonics FAQ 6: Suspension Arrangements This
  75.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  76.                                | Questions and their answers about cryonics,
  77.                                | the practice of carefully preserving very
  78.                                | recently clinically and legally dead people
  79.                                | in hopes that they can be revived in the
  80.                                | future. It should be read by anyone
  81.                                | interested in posting to sci.cryonics and by
  82.                                | anyone who finds the prospect of
  83. 02453080.ZIP  [0]  Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting FAQ
  84.                                | This posting contains a list of Frequently
  85.                                | asked questions and their answers about the
  86.                                | "Hardgainer" method of body-building /
  87.                                | weight-lifting.
  88. 03154037.ZIP  [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Amniocentesis The FAQ
  89.                                | discusses amniocentesis, a prenatal test used
  90.                                | to screen for Down's syndrome and other
  91.                                | chromosomal abnormalities, as well as some
  92.                                | metabolic disorders. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  93. 03154592.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Field Spaniels Breed-FAQ
  94.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  95. 03154795.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Shiba Inus Breed-FAQ
  96.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  97. 03185964.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Torties, Calicos and Tricolor
  98.                                | Cats FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  99. 03190069.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Shih Tzus Breed-FAQ
  100.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  101. 03193447.ZIP  [0]  Inflammatory Bowel Disease FAQ V1.2
  102. 0324375.ZIP   [0]  alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQ (01/02) intro
  103.                                | Reading mail and news available to your
  104.                                | normal login account, but while you're not
  105.                                | actually logged in
  106. 03243798.ZIP  [0]  alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQ (02/02)
  107.                                | software Reading mail and news available to
  108.                                | your normal login account, but while you're
  109.                                | not actually logged in
  110. 03303714.ZIP  [0]  misc.taxes FAQ Frequently asked questions
  111.                                | about US federal taxes and the misc. taxes
  112.                                | newsgroup [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  113. 03304989.ZIP  [0]  cryptography-faq/research Frequently asked
  114.                                | questions in sci.crypt.research answered.
  115.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  116. 03333917.ZIP  [0]  Copyright Myths FAQ: 10 big myths about
  117.                                | copyright explained [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  118. 03334092.ZIP  [0]  Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on
  119.                                | Netiquette [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  120. 0336368.ZIP   [0]  A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet
  121.                                | Community [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  122. 03364119.ZIP  [0]  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about
  123.                                | Usenet [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  124. 03364339.ZIP  [0]  Rules for posting to Usenet
  125.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  126. 03364520.ZIP  [0]  A Guide to Social Newsgroups and Mailing
  127.                                | Lists [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  128. 03364690.ZIP  [0]  Usenet Software: History and Sources
  129.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  130. 03364893.ZIP  [0]  Hints on writing style for Usenet
  131.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  132. 03365053.ZIP  [0]  What is Usenet? A second opinion.
  133.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  134. 03365234.ZIP  [0]  What is Usenet? [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  135. 03453545.ZIP  [0]  Cryonics FAQ 1: Index This posting contains a
  136.                                | list of Frequently Asked Questions and their
  137.                                | answers about cryonics, the practice of
  138.                                | carefully preserving very recently clinically
  139.                                | and legally dead people in hopes that they
  140.                                | can be revived in the future. It should be
  141.                                | read by anyone interested in posting to
  142.                                | sci.cryonics and by anyone who finds the
  143.                                | prospect of certain death
  144. 03453688.ZIP  [0]  Cryonics FAQ 2: Science/Technology This
  145.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  146.                                | Questions and their answers about cryonics,
  147.                                | the practice of carefully preserving very
  148.                                | recently clinically and legally dead people
  149.                                | in hopes that they can be revived in the
  150.                                | future. It should be read by anyone
  151.                                | interested in posting to sci.cryonics and by
  152.                                | anyone who finds the prospect of certain death
  153. 0345389.ZIP   [0]  Cryonics FAQ 3: Philosophy/Religion This
  154.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  155.                                | Questions and their answers about cryonics,
  156.                                | the practice of carefully preserving very
  157.                                | recently clinically and legally dead people
  158.                                | in hopes that they can be revived in the
  159.                                | future. It should be read by anyone
  160.                                | interested in posting to sci.cryonics and by
  161.                                | anyone who finds the prospect of certain death
  162. 03513444.ZIP  [0]  comp.dcom.sys.cisco Frequently Asked
  163.                                | Questions (FAQ) This FAQ consists of
  164.                                | frequently asked questions about routers
  165.                                | manufactured by cisco Systems, Inc.
  166.                                | Additionally, it provides additional
  167.                                | information on IP routing that may be useful
  168.                                | in non-Cisco environments.
  169. 03533555.ZIP  [0]  Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: References
  170.                                | This article is part of the FAQ list for
  171.                                | (amateur) competitive figure skating. This
  172.                                | section contains references to other sources
  173.                                | of information about the sport.
  174. 04433372.ZIP  [0]  (FAQ) Portable GUI Development Kits, part 1/2
  175.                                | This posting discusses many of the various
  176.                                | platform-independent Graphical User Interface
  177.                                | (GUI) development software libraries/
  178.                                | packages.
  179. 04433459.ZIP  [0]  (FAQ) Portable GUI Development Kits, part 2/2
  180.                                | This posting discusses many of the various
  181.                                | platform-independent Graphical User Interface
  182.                                | (GUI) development software libraries/
  183.                                | packages.
  184. 05003577.ZIP  [0]  Accessing the Internet by E-Mail FAQ This
  185.                                | guide will show you how to retrieve files
  186.                                | from FTP sites, explore the Internet via
  187.                                | Gopher, search for information with Archie,
  188.                                | Veronica, Netfind, or WAIS, tap into the
  189.                                | World-Wide Web, and even access Usenet
  190.                                | newsgroups using E-MAIL AS YOUR ONLY TOOL.
  191. 05124166.ZIP  [0]  soc.culture.kuwait FAQ This document contains
  192.                                | miscellaneous info about kuwait.
  193. 05243894.ZIP  [0]  Mgetty+Sendfax with Vgetty Extensions (FAQ)
  194.                                | Information about mgetty+sendfax, a Unix
  195.                                | getty replacement [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  196. 05510788.ZIP  [0]  Cancer - Online Information Sources FAQ Need
  197.                                | information about cancer? Contact these
  198.                                | online sources. [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  199. 0551116.ZIP   [0]  Welcome to rec.radio.shortwave (Shortwave)
  200.                                | Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about
  201.                                | international shortwave broadcasting and
  202.                                | necessary equipment for listeners. Please
  203.                                | read before posting questions. This article
  204.                                | is posted monthly. [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  205. 05511249.ZIP  [0]  Welcome to rec.radio.shortwave (AM/FM DXing)
  206.                                | Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about
  207.                                | long-distance reception of local AM (medium
  208.                                | wave) and FM stations. This article is posted
  209.                                | monthly. [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  210. 05542978.ZIP  [0]  LEARN C/C++ TODAY (A list of
  211.                                | resources/tutorials) [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  212. 06154010.ZIP  [0]  Finding Fonts for Internationalization FAQ
  213.                                | This FAQ discusses finding fonts for various
  214.                                | character sets. [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  215. 06243172.ZIP  [0]  Mensa - FAQ: What famous people are members
  216.                                | of Mensa? [Monthly] This posting contains the
  217.                                | answers to many Frequently Asked Questions
  218.                                | (FAQs) about Mensa. It should be read by
  219.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  220.                                | rec.org.mensa newsgroup, or anyone that
  221.                                | desires information about the Mensa society.
  222. 06243370.ZIP  [0]  European Union Basics (FAQ) This posting
  223.                                | contains basic information about the European
  224.                                | Union and other related or unrelated European
  225.                                | political organisations. It is hoped to serve
  226.                                | both as background information for those
  227.                                | wishing to discuss European politics on the
  228.                                | eunet.politics and alt.politics.ec
  229.                                | newsgroups, and as general reference for
  230.                                | anyone concerned with politics in
  231. 06243738.ZIP  [0]  x86 Assembly Language FAQ - Microsoft MASM
  232.                                | This is the FAQ for the x86 Assembly Language
  233.                                | programmers for the alt.lang.asm and
  234.                                | comp.lang.asm.x86 newsgroups. This particular
  235.                                | section of the FAQ contains x86 assembly
  236.                                | information specific to the Microsoft MASM
  237.                                | assembler.
  238. 06243787.ZIP  [0]  x86 Assembly Language FAQ - Borland TASM This
  239.                                | is the FAQ for the x86 Assembly Language
  240.                                | programmers for the alt.lang.asm and
  241.                                | comp.lang.asm.x86 newsgroups. This particular
  242.                                | section of the FAQ contains x86 assembly
  243.                                | information specific to the Borland TASM
  244.                                | assembler.
  245. 06243837.ZIP  [0]  x86 Assembly Language FAQ - A86 and D86 This
  246.                                | is the FAQ for the x86 Assembly Language
  247.                                | programmers for the alt.lang.asm and
  248.                                | comp.lang.asm.x86 newsgroups. This particular
  249.                                | section of the FAQ contains x86 assembly
  250.                                | information specific to the Eric Isaacson's
  251.                                | shareware A86 assembler and D86 debugger.
  252. 06303972.ZIP  [0]  A Guide to Buying and Selling on Usenet A
  253.                                | guide to the rec.radio.swap newsgroup,
  254.                                | providing a description of the group and its
  255.                                | charter, net-wisdom on the best use of this
  256.                                | forum, and some brief netiquette notes. Also
  257.                                | provides general guidelines for the other
  258.                                | forsale and marketplace forums.
  259.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  260. 06341728.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Alaskan Malamutes Breed-FAQ
  261. 06341811.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Introduction FAQ This
  262.                                | introduces the reader to the various faqs for
  263.                                | this newsgroup. Also contains: acronyms,
  264.                                | abbreviations, a glossary, and a summary of
  265.                                | the major kennel clubs around the world.
  266. 06341866.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Behavior: Understanding and
  267.                                | Modifying FAQ Discusses how to deal with
  268.                                | problem behaviors in dogs.
  269. 06341992.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Breeding Your Dog FAQ This
  270.                                | introduces the reader to the difficulties of
  271.                                | breeding dogs.
  272. 06342267.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Health Care Issues FAQ Basic
  273.                                | health-care issues every dog owner should
  274.                                | know about, including preventive care
  275.                                | routines.
  276. 06342376.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Assorted Topics [Part 1/2] FAQ
  277. 06364141.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Your New Puppy FAQ Tips for
  278.                                | owners with new puppies: housetraining,
  279.                                | vaccinations, early training, etc.
  280. 06364937.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Training Your Dog FAQ
  281.                                | Discusses how to obedience train your dog.
  282.                                | Tips on good books, differences in methods,
  283.                                | etc.
  284. 06591351.ZIP  [0]  vi editor FAQ (Frequently Asked Question
  285.                                | List), Part 2/2 This posting contains a list
  286.                                | of Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  287.                                | answers) about the vi editor.
  288.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  289. 06591538.ZIP  [0]  vi editor FAQ (Frequently Asked Question
  290.                                | List), Part 1/2 This posting contains a list
  291.                                | of Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  292.                                | answers) about the vi editor.
  293.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  294. 0714179.ZIP   [0]  Movie Database: Frequently Asked Questions
  295.                                | List An introduction to the Internet Movie
  296.                                | Database, which provides on-line movie
  297.                                | information, including filmographies of
  298.                                | actors, actresses, directors, writers...;
  299.                                | plot summaries; movie trivia etc.
  300.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  301. 07273296.ZIP  [0]  comp.graphics.gnuplot FAQ (Frequent Answered
  302.                                | Questions) This is the FAQ (Frequently
  303.                                | Answered Questions) list of the
  304.                                | comp.graphics.gnuplot newsgroup, which
  305.                                | discusses the gnuplot program for plotting 2D
  306.                                | - and 3D - graphs.
  307. 08212445.ZIP  [0]  Summary list of Internet access providers in
  308.                                | the UK Summary list of providers for access
  309.                                | to e-mail, Usenet, ftp or telnet in the UK
  310.                                | (5.05).
  311. 09012859.ZIP  [0]  Scrabble FAQ - Club and Tournament Supplement
  312.                                | This supplement to the Frequently Asked
  313.                                | Questions concerning Scrabble lists clubs and
  314.                                | upcoming tournaments within North America,
  315.                                | and contacts for outside.
  316. 0924258.ZIP   [0]  HOLOCAUST FAQ: The "Leuchter Report" (2/2)
  317.                                | Research guide to the Leuchter Report
  318. 09242689.ZIP  [0]  HOLOCAUST FAQ: The "Leuchter Report" (1/2)
  319.                                | Research guide to the Leuchter Report
  320. 09243551.ZIP  [0]  rec.models.scale Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 1/7
  321.                                | (27K) This posting contains a list of
  322.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  323.                                | answers) about Ship Modeling.
  324.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  325. 09275088.ZIP  [0]  rec.models.scale Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 2/7
  326.                                | (12K) This posting contains a list of
  327.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  328.                                | answers) about Ship Modeling.
  329.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  330. 09275264.ZIP  [0]  rec.models.scale Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 3/7
  331.                                | (18K) This posting contains a list of
  332.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  333.                                | answers) about Ship Modeling.
  334.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  335. 0930455.ZIP   [0]  rec.models.scale Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 4/7
  336.                                | (15K) This posting contains a list of
  337.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  338.                                | answers) about Ship Modeling.
  339.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  340. 09325594.ZIP  [0]  rec.models.scale Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 5/7
  341.                                | (18K) This posting contains a list of
  342.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  343.                                | answers) about Ship Modeling.
  344.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  345. 09325731.ZIP  [0]  rec.models.scale Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 6/7
  346.                                | (9K) This posting contains a list of
  347.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  348.                                | answers) about Ship Modeling.
  349.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  350. 09423991.ZIP  [0]  rec.sport.golf Golf FAQ This posting contains
  351.                                | FAQs and answers regarding golf
  352.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  353. 09484368.ZIP  [0]  soc.culture.taiwan FAQ ( part 1/5 ) General
  354.                                | This posting contains a list of
  355.                                | frequently-asked-questions ( and their
  356.                                | answers ) about the newsgroup
  357.                                | "soc.culture.taiwan". The first part covers a
  358.                                | survival guide and deals with some general
  359.                                | questions, together with a list of all the
  360.                                | questions in other parts.
  361. 09484555.ZIP  [0]  soc.culture.taiwan FAQ ( part 2/5 ) Culture
  362.                                | The second part deals with some questions
  363.                                | related to cultural issues for Taiwan.
  364. 09484675.ZIP  [0]  soc.culture.taiwan FAQ ( part 3/5 ) Internet
  365.                                | The third part deals with some questions
  366.                                | about information superhighway issues, like
  367.                                | Internet and BBS, in Taiwan.
  368. 09484829.ZIP  [0]  soc.culture.taiwan FAQ ( part 4/5 ) Politics
  369.                                | The fourth part deals with some questions
  370.                                | about politics in Taiwan.
  371. 09484928.ZIP  [0]  soc.culture.taiwan FAQ ( part 5/5 ) Tourism
  372.                                | The last part deals with some questions
  373.                                | regarding tourism in Taiwan.
  374. 09512950.ZIP  [0]  Lambing FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (and
  375.                                | answers) about lambing, and the care of ewes
  376.                                | and lambs, for small producers and hobby
  377.                                | farms.
  378. 0951337.ZIP   [0]  rec.music.classical.performing - FAQ
  379.                                | Frequently asked questions (and answers) for
  380.                                | the newsgroup rec.music.classical.performing.
  381.                                | Anyone wishing to post to the newsgroup
  382.                                | should read both this FAQ and the article
  383.                                | `Welcome to rec.music.classical.performing!'
  384.                                | prior to doing so.
  385. 09513653.ZIP  [0]  Fencing FAQ (part 1) Issues relevant to
  386.                                | fencing and other swordfighting martial arts.
  387. 09513774.ZIP  [0]  Fencing FAQ (part 2) Issues relevant to
  388.                                | fencing and other swordfighting martial arts.
  389. 10004826.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Scottish Terriers Breed-FAQ
  390.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  391. 10004924.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Leonbergers Breed-FAQ
  392.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  393. 10013818.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Chinese Shar-Peis Breed-FAQ
  394.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  395. 10013923.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Complete List of FAQs
  396.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  397. 10014027.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Old English Sheepdog Breed-FAQ
  398.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  399. 10014159.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Cat Related WWW Sites FAQ
  400.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  401. 10120922.ZIP  [0]  alt.mythology Sumerian Mythology FAQ, ver.
  402.                                | 1.3 This posting contains a description of
  403.                                | the pantheon and cosmology of the Sumerians,
  404.                                | who lived in what is now southern Iraq over
  405.                                | 4000 years ago. Aspects of Sumerian culture
  406.                                | are touched upon as are parallels with
  407.                                | Biblical stories. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  408. 1012128.ZIP   [0]  alt.mythology Assyro-Babylonian Mythology
  409.                                | FAQ, ver. 1.6 This posting contains a
  410.                                | description of the pantheon, cosmology, and
  411.                                | history of the Assyrians and Babylonians.
  412.                                | These people lived from about 4000 years ago
  413.                                | to about 2500 years ago primarily in what is
  414.                                | now northern and central Iraq.
  415.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  416. 10155486.ZIP  [0]  Misc.FS+Biz.Mktplc ADVERTISING FAQINFO FOR
  417.                                | NEW USERS This article describes appropriate
  418.                                | ways of posting forsale and wanted ads on
  419.                                | misc.forsale.* and biz.marketplace.*. As most
  420.                                | posters to misc.forsale are on Usenet for the
  421.                                | first time, it provides information useful to
  422.                                | all readersnew and old alike.
  423. 1016207.ZIP   [0]  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about
  424.                                | Usenet
  425. 10215313.ZIP  [0]  Fencing FAQ (part 3) Issues relevant to
  426.                                | fencing and other swordfighting martial arts.
  427. 10224119.ZIP  [0]  Movie Database: Frequently Asked Questions
  428.                                | List An introduction to the Internet Movie
  429.                                | Database, which provides on-line movie
  430.                                | information, including filmographies of
  431.                                | actors, actresses, directors, writers...;
  432.                                | plot summaries; movie trivia etc.
  433. 10243923.ZIP  [0]  How to become a Usenet site Periodic posting
  434.                                | about the basic steps involved in configuring
  435.                                | a machine to store USENET news.
  436. 10244044.ZIP  [0]  The Game Go Frequently Asked Questions
  437. 1024450.ZIP   [0]  Accessing the Internet by E-Mail FAQ This
  438.                                | guide will show you how to retrieve files
  439.                                | from FTP sites, explore the Internet via
  440.                                | Gopher, search for information with Archie,
  441.                                | Veronica, Netfind, or WAIS, tap into the
  442.                                | World-Wide Web, and even access Usenet
  443.                                | newsgroups using E-MAIL AS YOUR ONLY TOOL.
  444. 10244923.ZIP  [0]  rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ4 - Learning
  445.                                | Foosball - 1994/05/14 A guide for beginners
  446.                                | and intermediates. Includes fundamentals of
  447.                                | play, what to practice, and for
  448.                                | intermediates, strategies on how to become
  449.                                | competitive for tournaments.
  450. 10304284.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Table of Contents FAQ
  451. 10304339.ZIP  [0]  Conventional Fusion FAQ Glossary Part 7/26
  452.                                | (G) Fusion energy represents a promising
  453.                                | alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear
  454.                                | fission for world energy production. This FUT
  455.                                | is a compendium of Frequently Used Terms in
  456.                                | plasma physics and fusion energy research.
  457.                                | Refer to the FAQ on Conventional Fusion for
  458.                                | more detailed info about topics in fusion
  459.                                | research. This FUT does NOT discuss
  460. 10304388.ZIP  [0]  Conventional Fusion FAQ Glossary Part 0/26
  461.                                | (intro) Fusion energy represents a promising
  462.                                | alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear
  463.                                | fission for world energy production. This
  464.                                | Glossary is a compendium of Frequently Used
  465.                                | Terms in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy
  466.                                | Research. Refer to the FAQ on Conventional
  467.                                | Fusion for more detailed info about topics in
  468.                                | fusion research.
  469. 10304443.ZIP  [0]  Conventional Fusion FAQ Glossary Part 8/26
  470.                                | (H) Fusion energy represents a promising
  471.                                | alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear
  472.                                | fission for world energy production. This FUT
  473.                                | is a compendium of Frequently Used Terms in
  474.                                | plasma physics and fusion energy research.
  475.                                | Refer to the FAQ on Conventional Fusion for
  476.                                | more detailed info about topics in fusion
  477.                                | research. This FUT does NOT discuss
  478. 10312815.ZIP  [0]  Conventional Fusion FAQ Glossary Part 14/26
  479.                                | (N) Fusion energy represents a promising
  480.                                | alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear
  481.                                | fission for world energy production. This
  482.                                | Glossary is a compendium of Frequently Used
  483.                                | Terms in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy
  484.                                | Research. Refer to the FAQ on Conventional
  485.                                | Fusion for more detailed info about topics in
  486.                                | fusion research.
  487. 10369.ZIP     [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling
  488.                                | Retriever Breed-FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  489. 10373.ZIP     [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Bernese Mountain Dogs
  490.                                | Breed-FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  491. 10380.ZIP     [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Airedale Terrier Breed-FAQ
  492.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  493. 10381.ZIP     [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  494.                                | Breed-FAQ [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  495. 10382.ZIP     [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Irish Setters Breed-FAQ
  496.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  497. 10383.ZIP     [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Bullmastiffs Breed-FAQ
  498.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  499. 10385.ZIP     [0]  FAQ: IRON MAIDEN Frequently Asked Questions,
  500.                                | part 1/2 (monthly post) This is the list of
  501.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (with answers) for
  502.                                | the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden.
  503.                                | Read this before asking what the backwards
  504.                                | message before "Still Life" is.
  505.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  506. 10386.ZIP     [0]  FAQ: IRON MAIDEN Frequently Asked Questions,
  507.                                | part 2/2 (monthly post) This is the list of
  508.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (with answers) for
  509.                                | the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden.
  510.                                | Read this before asking what the backwards
  511.                                | message before "Still Life" is.
  512.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  513. 10387.ZIP     [0]  alt.fan.letterman Frequently Asked Questions
  514.                                | (Part 1 of 2) This posting contains a list of
  515.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  516.                                | answers) about the Late Show/Late Night with
  517.                                | David Letterman. New readers of the
  518.                                | alt.fan.letterman newsgroup should read this
  519.                                | FAQ list before posting.
  520.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  521. 10388.ZIP     [0]  alt.fan.letterman Frequently Asked Questions
  522.                                | (Part 2 of 2) This posting contains a list of
  523.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  524.                                | answers) about the Late Show/Late Night with
  525.                                | David Letterman. New readers of the
  526.                                | alt.fan.letterman newsgroup should read this
  527.                                | FAQ list before posting.
  528.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  529. 10391.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  530.                                | Canada2 Guide to vegetarian restaurants,
  531.                                | shops, organizations, etc.
  532.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  533. 10392.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  534.                                | California1 Guide to vegetarian restaurants,
  535.                                | shops, organizations, etc.
  536.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  537. 10393715.ZIP  [0]  talk.politics.tibet: FAQ [1/1] This posting
  538.                                | contains of a list of frequently asked
  539.                                | questions (and their answers) about the
  540.                                | central Asian country of Tibet. It should be
  541.                                | read by anyone who wishes to post to the
  542.                                | talk.politics.tibet newsgroup.
  543.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  544. 10394.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  545.                                | California3 Guide to vegetarian restaurants,
  546.                                | shops, organizations, etc.
  547.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  548. 10395.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  549.                                | NewYork1 Guide to vegetarian restaurants,
  550.                                | shops, organizations, etc.
  551.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  552. 10396.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  553.                                | USA1 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  554.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  555. 10397.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  556.                                | USA2 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  557.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  558. 10398.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  559.                                | USA3 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  560.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  561. 10399.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  562.                                | USA4 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  563.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  564. 10400.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  565.                                | USA5 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  566.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  567. 10401.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  568.                                | USA6 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  569.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  570. 10402.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  571.                                | USA7 Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops,
  572.                                | organizations, etc. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  573. 10403.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  574.                                | Other1 Guide to vegetarian restaurants,
  575.                                | shops, organizations, etc.
  576.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  577. 10404.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  578.                                | Miscellaneous1 Guide to vegetarian
  579.                                | restaurants, shops, organizations, etc.
  580.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  581. 10405.ZIP     [0]  rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism -
  582.                                | Internet1 Guide to vegetarian restaurants,
  583.                                | shops, organizations, etc.
  584.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  585. 10409.ZIP     [0]  Fencing FAQ (part 1) Issues relevant to
  586.                                | fencing and other swordfighting martial arts.
  587.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  588. 10410.ZIP     [0]  Fencing FAQ (part 2) Issues relevant to
  589.                                | fencing and other swordfighting martial arts.
  590.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  591. 10411.ZIP     [0]  Fencing FAQ (part 3) Issues relevant to
  592.                                | fencing and other swordfighting martial arts.
  593.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  594. 10423467.ZIP  [0]  Binary Space Partitioning Trees FAQ
  595.                                | Frequently asked questions about Binary Space
  596.                                | Partitioning trees. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  597. 1124330.ZIP   [0]  comp.windows.x Frequently Asked Questions
  598.                                | (FAQ) 1/6 useful information about the X
  599.                                | Window System
  600. 11243460.ZIP  [0]  comp.windows.x Frequently Asked Questions
  601.                                | (FAQ) 2/6 useful information about the X
  602.                                | Window System
  603. 11243597.ZIP  [0]  comp.windows.x Frequently Asked Questions
  604.                                | (FAQ) 3/6 useful information about the X
  605.                                | Window System
  606. 11243729.ZIP  [0]  comp.windows.x Frequently Asked Questions
  607.                                | (FAQ) 4/6 useful information about the X
  608.                                | Window System
  609. 11243872.ZIP  [0]  comp.windows.x Frequently Asked Questions
  610.                                | (FAQ) 5/6 useful information about the X
  611.                                | Window System
  612. 11244025.ZIP  [0]  comp.windows.x Frequently Asked Questions
  613.                                | (FAQ) 6/6 useful information about the X
  614.                                | Window System
  615. 11273470.ZIP  [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (Contents)
  616.                                | [Frequent posting]
  617. 1128379.ZIP   [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (1/7)
  618.                                | [Frequent posting]
  619. 1128383.ZIP   [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (2/7)
  620.                                | [Frequent posting]
  621. 11283924.ZIP  [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (3/7)
  622.                                | [Frequent posting]
  623. 11284066.ZIP  [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (4/7)
  624.                                | [Frequent posting]
  625. 11284171.ZIP  [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (5/7)
  626.                                | [Frequent posting]
  627. 11284259.ZIP  [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (6/7)
  628.                                | [Frequent posting]
  629. 11284379.ZIP  [0]  Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (7/7)
  630.                                | [Frequent posting]
  631. 11304111.ZIP  [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Jogging Strollers, Part 1/2
  632.                                | This FAQ is a collection of mail files
  633.                                | commenting on various jogging strollers, as
  634.                                | well as features to watch for when buying a
  635.                                | jogging stroller.
  636. 11304210.ZIP  [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Jogging Strollers, Part 2/2
  637.                                | This FAQ is a collection of mail files
  638.                                | commenting on various jogging strollers, as
  639.                                | well as features to watch for when buying a
  640.                                | jogging stroller.
  641. 1130439.ZIP   [0]  Anonymous FTP: Frequently Asked Questions
  642.                                | (FAQ) List This document gives answers to
  643.                                | some Frequently Asked Questions about
  644.                                | Anonymous FTP
  645. 11304452.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 1 of 20 [01/20]
  646.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 1 of 20
  647. 1130460.ZIP   [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 2 of 20 [02/20]
  648.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 2 of 20
  649. 11304760.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 3 of 20 [03/20]
  650.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 3 of 20
  651. 11333254.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 4 of 20 [04/20]
  652.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 4 of 20
  653. 11333457.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 5 of 20 [05/20]
  654.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 5 of 20
  655. 11333671.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 6 of 20 [06/20]
  656.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 6 of 20
  657. 11333935.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 7 of 20 [07/20]
  658.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 7 of 20
  659. 1133424.ZIP   [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 8 of 20 [08/20]
  660.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 8 of 20
  661. 11334440.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 9 of 20 [09/20]
  662.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 9 of 20
  663. 11334687.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 10 of 20 [10/20]
  664.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 10 of 20
  665. 1134381.ZIP   [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 11 of 20 [11/20]
  666.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 11 of 20
  667. 11344021.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 12 of 20 [12/20]
  668.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 12 of 20
  669. 11344174.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 13 of 20 [13/20]
  670.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 13 of 20
  671. 11344328.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 14 of 20 [14/20]
  672.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 14 of 20
  673. 11344476.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Jack Russell Terriers Breed-FAQ
  674. 11344581.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Problem Behaviors in Cats FAQ
  675. 1134472.ZIP   [0]  rec.pets.cats: Cats and the Outside World FAQ
  676. 1134480.ZIP   [0]  rec.pets.cats: Getting A Cat FAQ
  677. 1134495.ZIP   [0]  rec.pets.cats: Basic Health Care FAQ
  678. 11345114.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: General Cat Care FAQ
  679. 11363374.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Korats Breed-FAQ
  680. 11363555.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Miscellaneous Information FAQ
  681. 11363681.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.cats: Resources FAQ
  682. 1136382.ZIP   [0]  rec.pets.cats: Medical Information FAQ
  683. 11363923.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Canine Activities: Flyball FAQ
  684.                                | An article describing the sport of flyball
  685. 1136405.ZIP   [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 15 of 20 [15/20]
  686.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 15 of 20
  687. 11364489.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 16 of 20 [16/20]
  688.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 16 of 20
  689. 11364725.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 17 of 20 [17/20]
  690.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 17 of 20
  691. 11364934.ZIP  [0]  Windows NT Internet FAQ, Part 1/2 This
  692.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  693.                                | Questions and Answers about how to setup
  694.                                | Windows NT for Internet acccess and various
  695.                                | Internet resources specific to Windows NT. It
  696.                                | should be read by anyone who is using the
  697.                                | built-in Windows NT RAS for slip or ppp
  698.                                | connections to an Internet provider.
  699. 11394411.ZIP  [0]  Windows NT Internet FAQ, Part 2/2 This
  700.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  701.                                | Questions and Answers about how to setup
  702.                                | Windows NT for Internet acccess and various
  703.                                | Internet resources specific to Windows NT. It
  704.                                | should be read by anyone who is using the
  705.                                | built-in Windows NT RAS for slip or ppp
  706.                                | connections to an Internet provider.
  707. 11394718.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 18 of 20 [18/20]
  708.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 18 of 20
  709. 11395026.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 19 of 20 [19/20]
  710.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 19 of 20
  711. 11395339.ZIP  [0]  Anonymous FTP: Sitelist Part 20 of 20 [20/20]
  712.                                | Anonymous FTP Sitelist Part 20 of 20
  713. 11420041.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Dachshund Breed-FAQ This FAQ
  714.                                | describes the characteristics of the
  715.                                | Dachshund in a lighthearted, informative way.
  716. 11420116.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Canine Medical Information
  717.                                | [Part 1/2] FAQ Lists major diseases,
  718.                                | infections and infestations that canines can
  719.                                | have. Includes a list of poisonous substances
  720.                                | (including plants).
  721. 11420228.ZIP  [0]  rec.pets.dogs: Canine Medical Information
  722.                                | [Part 2/2] FAQ Lists major diseases,
  723.                                | infections and infestations that canines can
  724.                                | have. Includes a list of poisonous substances
  725.                                | (including plants).
  726. 1142076.ZIP   [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Eczema
  727. 12303775.ZIP  [0]  Conservatism Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  728. 12372628.ZIP  [0]  Social Security Number FAQ What to do when
  729.                                | someone asks for your SSN. Who can insist on
  730.                                | getting it from you, who you can refuse to
  731.                                | give it to. Legal references and citations to
  732.                                | other sources.
  733. 12424644.ZIP  [0]  misc.consumers FAQ on credit part 1 of 4
  734.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  735. 12443481.ZIP  [0]  misc.consumers FAQ on credit part 2 of 4
  736.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  737. 12443618.ZIP  [0]  misc.consumers FAQ on credit part 3 of 4
  738.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  739. 12443761.ZIP  [0]  misc.consumers FAQ on credit part 4 of 4
  740.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  741. 13333420.ZIP  [0]  Welcome to misc.jobs! Read this FAQ *before*
  742.                                | posting. Answers to Frequently Asked
  743.                                | Questions (FAQ) about misc.jobs. How to use
  744.                                | Usenet to find a job (or contract). How to
  745.                                | use Usenet to find a worker. How to use
  746.                                | Usenet to discuss employment issues.
  747. 13363293.ZIP  [0]  Emotional Support on the Internet Where to
  748.                                | find personal help on the Internat and
  749.                                | related systems
  750. 13423835.ZIP  [0]  [rec.games.mud]: FAQ #1/3: MUDs and MUDding
  751.                                | basic info on muds [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  752. 13424132.ZIP  [0]  [rec.games.mud]: FAQ #2/3: MUD Clients and
  753.                                | Servers mud clients and servers, descriptions
  754.                                | and locations of source
  755.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  756. 13424280.ZIP  [0]  [rec.games.mud]: FAQ #3/3: RWHO and "mudwho"
  757.                                | info on rwho servers, and mudwho
  758.                                | [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  759. 13484179.ZIP  [0]  UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 1 of 3]
  760.                                | How to set up Email on UNIX systems.
  761. 13484388.ZIP  [0]  UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 2 of 3]
  762.                                | How to set up Email on UNIX systems.
  763. 14213796.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: rec.music.industrial Part 1/2 Questions
  764.                                | and History This posting contains the
  765.                                | Frequently Asked Questions file about
  766.                                | industrial music and culture. Anyone who
  767.                                | wishes to subscribe/post to the
  768.                                | rec.music.industrial newsgroup should read
  769.                                | this first. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  770. 14214010.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: rec.music.industrial Part 2/2 Mailorder
  771.                                | Sources and 'Zines This posting contains the
  772.                                | Frequently Asked Questions file about
  773.                                | industrial music and culture. anyone who
  774.                                | wishes to subscribe/post to the
  775.                                | rec.music.industrial newsgroup should read
  776.                                | this first. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  777. 1421419.ZIP   [0]  Desktop Publishing Resources FAQ This posting
  778.                                | delineates the FAQs that can be found in the
  779.                                | PageMakr Archives and contains further
  780.                                | information that may be of interest to the
  781.                                | modern desktop publisher.
  782.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  783. 14244146.ZIP  [0]  Modula-2 FAQ This file contains the answers
  784.                                | to some commonly asked questions about the
  785.                                | programming language Modula-2.
  786.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  787. 14304886.ZIP  [0]  Midi files/software archives on the Internet
  788.                                | This posting contains ftp and mail-based
  789.                                | archives on the Internet
  790. 14364132.ZIP  [0]  UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 3 of 3]
  791.                                | How to set up Email on UNIX systems.
  792. 14423421.ZIP  [0]  alt.fan.dave_barry Frequently Asked Questions
  793.                                | FAQ
  794. 14544944.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: Internet-Zugaenge in Deutschland This
  795.                                | article contains a list of Internet Service
  796.                                | Providers and ways to connect to the Internet
  797.                                | in Germany. Like the newsgroup, it is in
  798.                                | German.
  799. 1527298.ZIP   [0]  alt.fan.monty-python FAQ
  800. 15404291.ZIP  [0]  HOLOCAUST FAQ: Auschwitz-Birkenau: Layman's
  801.                                | Guide (2/2) Research guide to the
  802.                                | Auschwitz-Birkenau complex
  803. 15404583.ZIP  [0]  HOLOCAUST FAQ: Auschwitz-Birkenau: Layman's
  804.                                | Guide (1/2) Research guide to the
  805.                                | Auschwitz-Birkenau complex
  806. 1574.ZIP      [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Good things about having
  807.                                | kids Just what is so great about having kids?
  808.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  810.                                | BY KERSEY GRAVES
  811. 16005545.ZIP  [0]  rec.games.video.* Frequently Asked Questions
  812.                                | (part 1 of 3)
  813. 16005721.ZIP  [0]  rec.games.video.* Frequently Asked Questions
  814.                                | (part 2 of 3)
  815. 16005836.ZIP  [0]  rec.games.video.* Frequently Asked Questions
  816.                                | (part 3 of 3)
  817. 16022317.ZIP  [0]  monthly rec.games.pinball FAQ, one of two
  818. 16124641.ZIP  [0]  monthly rec.games.pinball FAQ, two of two
  819. 16125031.ZIP  [0]  rec.games.pbm Frequently Asked Questions
  820.                                | (FAQ) information about various play-by-mail
  821.                                | (snail & email) games
  822. 16274598.ZIP  [0]  The Game Go Frequently Asked Questions
  823. 1637273.ZIP   [0]  Roguelike Games Info and FTP Sites (FAQ)
  824.                                | General description of roguelike computer
  825.                                | adventure games. List of features and FTP
  826.                                | sites for all known roguelike games,
  827.                                | including Rogue, Hack, NetHack, Moria, Larn,
  828.                                | Omega, Angband, etc.
  829. 16423577.ZIP  [0]  rec.music.reggae Frequently Asked Questions
  830.                                | (1/3) This posting contains a list of
  831.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  832.                                | about reggae music. It should be read by
  833.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  834.                                | rec.music.reggae newsgroup
  835. 16423775.ZIP  [0]  rec.music.reggae Frequently Asked Questions
  836.                                | (2/3) This posting contains a list of
  837.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  838.                                | about reggae music. It should be read by
  839.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  840.                                | rec.music.reggae newsgroup
  841. 16423917.ZIP  [0]  rec.music.reggae Frequently Asked Questions
  842.                                | (3/3) This posting contains a list of
  843.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  844.                                | about reggae music. It should be read by
  845.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  846.                                | rec.music.reggae newsgroup
  847. 17212752.ZIP  [0]  PostScript monthly FAQ v2.4 05-25-95 [01-04
  848.                                | of 11] Useful facts about the PostScript
  849.                                | graphics programming language
  850. 17275864.ZIP  [0]  bulgaria-faq/part2 This posting contains
  851.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about
  852.                                | Bulgaria and their answers. It should be read
  853.                                | by anyone who wishes to post to the
  854.                                | soc.culture.bulgaria Usenet newsgroup. The
  855.                                | FAQ consists of two parts: general FAQ, and
  856.                                | electronic resources FAQ.
  857. 17333940.ZIP  [0]  alt.sex.fetish.fashion FAQ (1/9): General
  858.                                | Information This FAQ serve both as a general
  859.                                | introduction to the world of fetish fashion,
  860.                                | an information package to make life with it
  861.                                | much easier and trouble-free, and last (but
  862.                                | not least) a guide to products, magazines and
  863.                                | shops all over the world.
  864. 17334638.ZIP  [0]  Baha'i Faith Introduction A brief history of
  865.                                | the Baha'i Faith, summary of its teachings,
  866.                                | and listing of books for further reference
  867. 17334814.ZIP  [0]  alt.sex.fetish.fashion FAQ (8/9): Supplier
  868.                                | list - Europe & Far East This FAQ serve both
  869.                                | as a general introduction to the world of
  870.                                | fetish fashion, an information package to
  871.                                | make life with it much easier and
  872.                                | trouble-free, and last (but not least) a
  873.                                | guide to products, magazines and shops all
  874.                                | over the world.
  875. 17334885.ZIP  [0]  Baha'i Resources on the Internet Baha'i
  876.                                | Faith, List of Internet Resources
  877. 17514078.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: soc.culture.french - Medias [monthly]
  878.                                | This part of the soc.culture.french FAQ gives
  879.                                | information about french media available
  880.                                | outside of the country (press, tv, ...)
  881. 17543917.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2
  882.                                | [monthly] This part of the soc.culture.french
  883.                                | FAQ gives information about networking in
  884.                                | France (Internet, Usenet, Minitel terminal,
  885.                                | ...)
  886. 17544071.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 2/2
  887.                                | [monthly] This part of the soc.culture.french
  888.                                | FAQ gives information about networking in
  889.                                | France (Internet, Usenet, Minitel terminal,
  890.                                | ...)
  891. 17544373.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: soc.culture.french - Miscellaneous
  892.                                | [monthly] This part of the soc.culture.french
  893.                                | FAQ gives information not contained in the
  894.                                | other parts
  895. 19272955.ZIP  [0]  Ozone Depletion FAQ Part I: Introduction to
  896.                                | the Ozone Layer This is the first of four
  897.                                | files dealing with stratospheric ozone
  898.                                | depletion. It provides scientific background
  899.                                | for the more detailed questions in the other
  900.                                | three parts.
  901. 19273115.ZIP  [0]  Ozone Depletion FAQ Part IV: UV Radiation and
  902.                                | its Effects This is the fourth of four files
  903.                                | dealing with stratospheric ozone depletion.
  904.                                | It describes the properties of solar UV
  905.                                | radiation and some of its biological effects.
  906. 19273241.ZIP  [0]  Ozone Depletion FAQ Part II: Stratospheric
  907.                                | Chlorine and Bromine This is the second of
  908.                                | four files dealing with stratospheric ozone
  909.                                | depletion. It is concerned with sources of
  910.                                | chlorine and bromine in the earth's
  911.                                | stratosphere.
  912. 19273384.ZIP  [0]  Ozone Depletion FAQ Part III: The Antarctic
  913.                                | Ozone Hole This is the third of four files
  914.                                | dealing with stratospheric ozone depletion.
  915.                                | It describes the massive losses measured in
  916.                                | the Antarctic spring, and the smaller losses
  917.                                | seen in the Arctic.
  918. 1WHEN10A.ZIP  [0]  The U.S. Constitution in HTML format A
  919.                                | Project Gutenberg Copyrighted Etext July,
  920.                                | 1995 [Etext #300]
  921. 20304183.ZIP  [0]  IRC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) This
  922.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  923.                                | Questions (and their answers) about IRC,
  924.                                | Internet Relay Chat. Please read this before
  925.                                | posting to the alt.irc, alt.irc.ircii, or
  926.                                | alt.irc.questions newsgroups.
  927. 20365741.ZIP  [0]  Alt.Recovery.AA Frequently Asked Questions
  928.                                | (FAQ) Information and Frequently Asked
  929.                                | Questions about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and
  930.                                | the alt.recovery.aa newsgroup. It might be
  931.                                | helpful to read this before posting to
  932.                                | alt.recovery.aa [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  933. 20365977.ZIP  [0]  Welcome to Alt.Recovery (FAQ) Information and
  934.                                | Frequently Asked Questions from the
  935.                                | alt.recovery newsgroup. It might be helpful
  936.                                | to read this before posting to alt.recovery
  937.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  938. 20454167.ZIP  [0]  Lotus Cars Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),
  939.                                | Part 1/4 This posting contains a list of
  940.                                | Frequently Asked Questions about Lotus Cars
  941.                                | ranging from Colin Chapman to the race cars
  942.                                | to the road cars to the company. This is part
  943.                                | 1 of 4 and consists of general questions
  944.                                | about Lotus cars. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  945. 20454338.ZIP  [0]  Lotus Cars Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),
  946.                                | Part 2/4 This posting contains a list of
  947.                                | Frequently Asked Questions about Lotus Cars
  948.                                | ranging from Colin Chapman to the race cars
  949.                                | to the road cars to the company. This is part
  950.                                | 2 of 4 and consists of questions about Group
  951.                                | Lotus and Lotus Cars Ltd.
  952.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  953. 20454447.ZIP  [0]  Lotus Cars Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),
  954.                                | Part 3/4 This posting contains a list of
  955.                                | Frequently Asked Questions about Lotus Cars
  956.                                | ranging from Colin Chapman to the race cars
  957.                                | to the road cars to the company. This is part
  958.                                | 3 of 4 and consists of questions about the
  959.                                | Formula One Team. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  960. 20485292.ZIP  [0]  Lotus Cars Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),
  961.                                | Part 4/4 This posting contains a list of
  962.                                | Frequently Asked Questions about Lotus Cars
  963.                                | ranging from Colin Chapman to the race cars
  964.                                | to the road cars to the company. This is part
  965.                                | 4 of 4 and consists of questions about owning
  966.                                | a Lotus. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  967. 21155729.ZIP  [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Childhood Vaccinations, Part
  968.                                | 3/4 This FAQ contains information on
  969.                                | vaccinations, with particular focus on the
  970.                                | vaccinations given to children. Section 3
  971.                                | contains information about vaccines which are
  972.                                | not on the required schedule for children
  973.                                | within the USA (though some may be required
  974.                                | in other countries). These include travel
  975.                                | vaccines, vaccines which are not yet
  976. 21184080.ZIP  [0]  misc.kids FAQ on Childhood Vaccinations, Part
  977.                                | 2/4 This FAQ contains information on
  978.                                | vaccinations, with particular focus on the
  979.                                | vaccinations given to children. Section 2
  980.                                | contains information about the vaccines which
  981.                                | are on the required vaccination schedule
  982.                                | within the USA. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  983. 21273836.ZIP  [0]  rec.skydiving FAQ (Frequently Asked
  984.                                | Questions) This posting contains a list of
  985.                                | Frequently Asked Questions (and their
  986.                                | answers) about skydiving, learning to
  987.                                | skydive, and the newsgroup rec.skydiving. It
  988.                                | should be read by anyone interested in the
  989.                                | sport of skydiving and prior to posting on
  990.                                | rec.skydiving. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  991. 21304796.ZIP  [0]  List of Moderators for Usenet
  992.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  993. 22274125.ZIP  [0]  MPEG-FAQ: multimedia compression [1/8] This
  994.                                | is the summary about the ISO video and
  995.                                | audioformats MPEG 1, 2 and 4
  996.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  997. 2227431.ZIP   [0]  MPEG-FAQ: multimedia compression [2/8] This
  998.                                | is the summary about the ISO video and
  999.                                | audioformats MPEG 1, 2 and 4
  1000.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1001. 22334079.ZIP  [0]  MPEG-FAQ: multimedia compression [3/8] This
  1002.                                | is the summary about the ISO video and
  1003.                                | audioformats MPEG 1, 2 and 4
  1004.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1005. 22334398.ZIP  [0]  MPEG-FAQ: multimedia compression [4/8] This
  1006.                                | is the summary about the ISO video and
  1007.                                | audioformats MPEG 1, 2 and 4
  1008.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1009. 22483822.ZIP  [0]  Pasture FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (and
  1010.                                | answers) about establishing, maintaining, and
  1011.                                | utilizing livestock pastures, for small
  1012.                                | producers and hobby farms.
  1013.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1014. 22513656.ZIP  [0]  graphics/opengl-faq/part2 This contains a
  1015.                                | list of Frequently Asked Questions about
  1016.                                | OpenGL (R) [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  1017. 23243591.ZIP  [0]  caffeine-faq All you wanted to know about
  1018.                                | caffeinated beverages
  1019. 23363439.ZIP  [0]  rec.music.reggae Frequently Asked Questions
  1020.                                | (1/3) This posting contains a list of
  1021.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  1022.                                | about reggae music. It should be read by
  1023.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  1024.                                | rec.music.reggae newsgroup
  1025. 23480036.ZIP  [0]  rec.juggling Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  1026.                                | This posting contains a list of questions
  1027.                                | (and their answers) that are frequently asked
  1028.                                | on rec.juggling. Those who intend to post to
  1029.                                | rec.juggling should read this FAQ prior to
  1030.                                | posting. [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
  1031. 23483551.ZIP  [0]  rec.music.reggae Frequently Asked Questions
  1032.                                | (2/3) This posting contains a list of
  1033.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  1034.                                | about reggae music. It should be read by
  1035.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  1036.                                | rec.music.reggae newsgroup
  1037. 23543967.ZIP  [0]  rec.music.reggae Frequently Asked Questions
  1038.                                | (3/3) This posting contains a list of
  1039.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  1040.                                | about reggae music. It should be read by
  1041.                                | anyone who wishes to post to the
  1042.                                | rec.music.reggae newsgroup
  1043. 38802.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part1 of 8 of frequently
  1044.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1045.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1046.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1047.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1048.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1049.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1050.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1051.                                | should be read by anybody
  1052. 38803.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part2 of 8 of frequently
  1053.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1054.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1055.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1056.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1057.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1058.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1059.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1060.                                | should be read by anybody
  1061. 38804.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part3 of 8 of frequently
  1062.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1063.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1064.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1065.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1066.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1067.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1068.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1069.                                | should be read by anybody
  1070. 38805.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part4 of 8 of frequently
  1071.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1072.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1073.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1074.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1075.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1076.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1077.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1078.                                | should be read by anybody
  1079. 38806.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part5 of 8 of frequently
  1080.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1081.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1082.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1083.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1084.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1085.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1086.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1087.                                | should be read by anybody
  1088. 38808.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part7 of 8 of frequently
  1089.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1090.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1091.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1092.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1093.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1094.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1095.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1096.                                | should be read by anybody
  1097. 38809.ZIP     [0]  comp.protocols.ppp part8 of 8 of frequently
  1098.                                | wanted information This document contains
  1099.                                | information about the Internet Point-to-Point
  1100.                                | Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of
  1101.                                | public domain and commercial software and
  1102.                                | hardware implementations, a section on
  1103.                                | configuration hints and a list of frequently
  1104.                                | asked questions and answers on them. It
  1105.                                | should be read by anybody
  1106. 38810.ZIP     [0]  FAQ: How to find people's E-mail addresses
  1107.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1108. 38811.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 1 of 7:
  1109.                                | Introduction [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1110. 38812.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 2 of 7:
  1111.                                | Learning [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1112. 38813.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 3 of 7:
  1113.                                | Information resources [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1114. 38814.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 4 of 7:
  1115.                                | Datasets [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1116. 38815.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 5 of 7: Free
  1117.                                | software [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1118. 38816.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 6 of 7:
  1119.                                | Commercial software [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1120. 38817.ZIP     [0]  comp.ai.neural-nets FAQ, Part 7 of 7:
  1121.                                | Hardware [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1122. 38820.ZIP     [0]  games/chess/part1 FAQ of the rec.games.chess
  1123.                                | Computer Software [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1124. 38821.ZIP     [0]  games/chess/part2 FAQ of the
  1125.                                | rec.games.chess.misc [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1126. 38853.ZIP     [0]  Finding Fonts for Internationalization FAQ
  1127.                                | This FAQ discusses finding fonts for various
  1128.                                | character sets. [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1129. 38875.ZIP     [0]  Cryonics FAQ 4: Controversy surrounding
  1130.                                | Cryonics This posting contains a list of
  1131.                                | Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
  1132.                                | about cryonics, the practice of carefully
  1133.                                | preserving very recently clinically and
  1134.                                | legally dead people in hopes that they can be
  1135.                                | revived in the future. It should be read by
  1136.                                | anyone interested in posting to sci.cryonics
  1137.                                | and by anyone who finds the prospect of
  1138. 38876.ZIP     [0]  Cryonics FAQ 1: Index This posting contains a
  1139.                                | list of Frequently Asked Questions and their
  1140.                                | answers about cryonics, the practice of
  1141.                                | carefully preserving very recently clinically
  1142.                                | and legally dead people in hopes that they
  1143.                                | can be revived in the future. It should be
  1144.                                | read by anyone interested in posting to
  1145.                                | sci.cryonics and by anyone who finds the
  1146.                                | prospect of certain death
  1147. 38877.ZIP     [0]  Cryonics FAQ 2: Science/Technology This
  1148.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  1149.                                | Questions and their answers about cryonics,
  1150.                                | the practice of carefully preserving very
  1151.                                | recently clinically and legally dead people
  1152.                                | in hopes that they can be revived in the
  1153.                                | future. It should be read by anyone
  1154.                                | interested in posting to sci.cryonics and by
  1155.                                | anyone who finds the prospect of certain death
  1156. 38878.ZIP     [0]  Cryonics FAQ 3: Philosophy/Religion This
  1157.                                | posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
  1158.                                | Questions and their answers about cryonics,
  1159.                                | the practice of carefully preserving very
  1160.                                | recently clinically and legally dead people
  1161.                                | in hopes that they can be revived in the
  1162.                                | future. It should be read by anyone
  1163.                                | interested in posting to sci.cryonics and by
  1164.                                | anyone who finds the prospect of certain death
  1165. 38910.ZIP     [0]  Buddhism: Intro & Suggestions for newcomers
  1166.                                | to talk.religion.buddhism (part 1/3)
  1167.                                | [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1168. 38911.ZIP     [0]  Buddhism: Common questions about Buddhism &
  1169.                                | glossary (part 2/3) [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1170. 38912.ZIP     [0]  Buddhism: Resources of possible interest to
  1171.                                | Buddhists (part 3/3) [ftl/faq/news.answers]
  1172. 3BOAT10.ZIP   [0]  Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome A
  1173.                                | Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext August,
  1174.                                | 1995 [Etext #308]
  1175. 3ELPH10.ZIP   [0]  Three Elephant Power, by Andrew Barton
  1176.                                | `Banjo' Paterson A Project Gutenberg Public
  1177.                                | Domain Etext August, 1995 [Etext #307]
  1178. 68HC11FQ.ZIP  [0]  FAQ: The 68hc11 is a good chip, and well
  1179.                                | worth learning and developing with. The
  1180.                                | 68hc11 is a powerful 8-bit data, 16-bit
  1181.                                | address microcontroller from Motorola with an
  1182.                                | instruction set that is similar to the older
  1183.                                | 68xx (6801, 6805, 6809) parts. Learn more...
  1185.                                | PAINE, THOMAS JEFFERSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON,
  1186.                                | BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, AND
  1187.                                | ULYSSES S. GRANT, BY JOHN RAMSBURG
  1188. 8051FAQ.ZIP   [0]  FAQ: 8051 microcontroller. The 8051 is an 8
  1189.                                | bit microcontroller originally developed by
  1190.                                | Intel in 1980. It is the world's most popular
  1191.                                | independent manufacturers (truly
  1192.                                | multi-sourced). Learn more...